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It's Time To Make A Move!

Writer's picture: Pastor Myron K. LeachPastor Myron K. Leach

Deut. 1:6 (NIV) The LORD our God said to us at Horeb, "You have stayed long enough at this mountain.

It is possible that we can remain at a specific place in our lives that is not healthy. It is especially tough when God tells us to move forward and we ignore His voice. What things or situations have caused you to remain in a neutral position? Some people often hold on to traditions because it worked for others in the past. But we must ask questions and assess our lives, methods and ideals. Does what worked in the past still relevant for your life today?

I am a firm believer in tradition but when we rely upon success from the past, we run the risk of not paying attention to new methods of doing things more effectively. It is time for many of us to make a move and upgrade things in our lives. God wants us to be progressive and make forward movement.

Just as Moses spoke to all of Israel, there must be a response to God. How have you responded to God’s voice when He has given you clear directions? I believe God has given us clear messages and directives but we have ignored His timing. Many have ignored his timing because of fear of failure and doubt. Fear and doubt are dream killers and God wants us to act upon our dreams and visions and begin to trust Him to do things we cannot do. On the flip side, we must do our part and use our God given abilities to carry out God’s mission for our lives. We must move toward what he has already birthed in us.

It is time to make a move towards God’s destiny for your life! Don’t settle for less than what God originally intended for you by allowing past failures or false starts to deter you from moving forward. Move beyond your negative emotions and move towards emotional healing. Move from doubt to faith! Move from failed relationships to finding yourself and preparing for a new relationship that is healthy and God-centered.

You’ve stayed where you are long enough but now it is time to move!

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